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Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak

Affiliated to MDU | NBA (CSE, EE) | Approved by AICTE
Run By : Vaish Education Society (Regd.), Rohtak 

Our Alumni

VCE Alumni Association

About us

VCE Alumni Association, registered in 2023, is an independent registered body comprising of eleven members of Governing body and other alumni as members maintains a long-lasting connection between the Institute and its member maintaining strong alumni base spread across the globe. This Association continues to seek innovative ways to serve alumni by providing social, educational and professional opportunities that will appeal to our These associations play a vital role in fostering a sense of belonging, pride, and community among alumni, regardless of how far they’ve traveled from their alma mater.

By staying connected with our vibrant alumni community, current students can benefit from valuable insights, guidance, and career opportunities, ensuring a seamless transition from academia to the professional world.

Our Vision

To create a vibrant and interconnected community, fostering strong bonds between alumni and present students, for the institute to be glorious and developing philanthropic & entrepreneurial mind-set among student community

Our Mission

To establish a network that strengthens the bond between the Institute, its alumni, and its present students.

  • To provide guidance and organize activities that will inspire students and improve their skill sets.
  • To collaborate with academic resources to propose new technologies and advancements that will meet or exceed industry standards.
  • To assist the alumni in seeking help from the institution on a variety of technical issues they may encounter in their professional lives.
  • To contribute to the vision and enhance the reputation of the institute at a national and worldwide level.
  • To promote a goodwill and sense of pride to both alumni and students
  • To help and support alumnus develop and spread a philanthropic and entrepreneurial mind-set among students.