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Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak

Affiliated to MDU | NBA (CSE, EE) | Approved by AICTE
Run By : Vaish Education Society (Regd.), Rohtak 

Creating an Advertising Campaign by Dr. Rohit Bansal (AP, MBA)

Teams: Each team consists of five students. All must participate.
This is a classroom-based activity as part of the course Sales and Distribution Management which helps in enhancing.
advertising skills and creativity. The classroom-based activity was related to creating an Advertising campaign.
Each team was given a topic of a product that they had to create an ad for. The duration of the ad was to be not more than 1 minute, and they had 15 minutes to prepare. The products were not particularly unique or interesting to sell or communicate. The teams made very creative attempts at advertising. Many of them had very original ideas and most of them kept to the time limit. It was indeed resulting oriented and satisfactory session.

b) “Oh But Why”
Batch: MBA 1st year
Course: Marketing Management
Teams: Each team consists of three students.
Overview This is a classroom activity as part of the course Marketing Management which helps in deeper understanding
of concepts, enhancing analytical skills and creativity.
Each team had to come up with a marketing concept from theory that they had learnt. Once the team member shared the
statement, he/she was asked “Oh But Why”…. They had to explain why they are saying what they are saying…This was done for the subsequent explanation also… until about 5 times….
As the subsequent “Whys” were asked, the answers began to slow down (as expected….). The intent behind the game was to make them all think why we are doing what we are doing. The deeper probing helps to understand concepts at depth rather than take them at face value.

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