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Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak

Affiliated to MDU | NBA (CSE, EE) | Approved by AICTE
Run By : Vaish Education Society (Regd.), Rohtak 



As per the guidelines of AICTE and the Supreme Court an Anti Sexual Harassment Cell has been established by Vaish College of Enginering, Rohtak to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the staff and students of the College. The cell was constituted to meet the four basic objectives:

  •    To develop the guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual harassment.
  •    To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.
  •    To work out details for the implementation of the policy.
  •    To prepare a detailed plan of action, both short and long term.

Its Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) members, who can be contacted by any aggrieved person, are as follows:

S.No. Name of the Faculty with current designation in the college Designation for committee Mobile No.
1. Dr. Meenu Manchanda, Professor, ECE Convenor/Presiding Officer 9416767399
2. Ms. Niyati Jain, Assistant Professor, CSE Member 9416846200
3. Ms. Radhika, Assistant Professor, CSE Member 9466564725
4. Ms. Vinita, Assistant Registrar Member 7015257549
5. Ms. Sunita, Assistant Member 8168503695

Regarding Complaint (if any)

 Register your complaints related to Sexual Harassment with any member of the College Internal Complaints Committee (Mobile numbers provided) or

email to